Products 169-180 of 186
Color Litho - F-4C Oregon ANG, 114 TFS A/C #64-0838, 1 MIG Kill
Price: $15.00
Availability: In Stock
Aviation Graphic Item #: LTOregonANG_JP-1006 -

F-4C 64-0838 114th TFTSOregon ANG MiG-21 KillMaj Philip Combies, 1Lt Lee Dutton, 2 Jan 67 Color Litho is; 12.00 inches x 16.50 inches

Color Litho - F-4E 18-MC Israel 201st Squadron "HaAhat Kurnass" 1974 - 7 MIG Kills
Price: $15.00
Availability: In Stock
Aviation Graphic Item #: LTIAFF4E_JP-265 -

F-4E "Kurnass""the One"Seven MiG kills during Yom Kippur warF-4E 18-MC Israel Air Force 201st Squadron "Ha'Ahat", Tel Nof Air Base 1974 Color Litho is; 12.00 inches x 16.50 inches

Color Litho - F-4E Turkish Air Force,  "172nd Squadron Hawks"
Price: $15.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LTTAF_F-4E_LW-26 -

AF F-4E 69-0312172nd Squadron "Hawks"Color Litho is; 12.00 inches x 16.50 inches

Color Litho - USAF #66-8812 "DFC" DaNang, Vietnam 366th TFW/390th TFS "Wild Boars" 1968
Price: $15.00
Availability: Out of Stock
Aviation Graphic Item #: LT390TFS_JP-381 -

F-4D 66-8812 390th TFS Wild Boars, DaNang 68-69See story in Smoke Trails 18-2. Call the Store Manager to obtain a hard copy of the ST Issue. Color Litho is; 12.00 inches x 16.50 inches

Color Litho - USAF F-4D 523rd TFS/432nd TFW Udorn RTAFB 1973 - 6 MIG Kills
Price: $15.00
Availability: In Stock
Aviation Graphic Item #: LT523TFS_JP-209 -

F-4D-29-MC 66-7463 6th Kill523rd TFS/ 432nd TRW, Udorn, Thailand 10/15/1972Capt McCoy & Capt BrownColor Litho is; 12.00 inches x 16.50 inches 6 Kills3/1/72 LtCol J W Kittinger & 1Lt L A Hodgdon 555th TFS/432nd TRW 4/16/72 Capt F S Olmsted & Capt S Maas 13thTFS/432nd TRW 5/8/72 Maj B P Crews & Capt K W Jones 13thTFS/432nd TRW 5/10/72 Capt R S Ritchie & Capt C B DeBellevue 555th TFS/432nd TRW 8/28/72 Capt R S Ritchie & Capt C B DeBellevue 555th TFS/432nd TRW 10/15/72 Maj I J McCoy & Maj F W...

Color Litho - USAF F-4G "Wild Weasal" 561st TFS A/C #69-0273 "Operation Desert Storm" 1991
Price: $15.00
Availability: Out of Stock
Aviation Graphic Item #: LTWW_F-4G_JP-1152 -

F-4G Wild Weasel 69-0273561st TFS Operation Desert StormShaikh-isa Air Base, Bahrain 1991Color Litho is; 12.00 inches x 16.50 inches

Color Litho - USMC VFMA-333 "FIGHTING SHAMROCKS" F-4J  1972 - 1 MIG Kill
Price: $15.00
Availability: In Stock
Aviation Graphic Item #: LT333AS_F-4J_LW-11 -

F-4J BuNo. 155526 201/AJ VMGA-333 Fighting Shamrocks1972MiG-21 Maj Lasseterand Capt CummingsColor Litho is; 12.00 inches x 16.50 inches

Color Litho - USN F-4B/J/N, VF-84 VF-84 "Jolly Rogers"
Price: $15.00
Availability: In Stock
Aviation Graphic Item #: LTVF84_JP-742 -

VF-84 "Jolly Rogers"Fighter Squadron EIGHT FOUR Color Litho is; 12.00 inches x 16.50 inches

Color Litho - USN F-4J Showtime 100 "Cunningham/Driscoll" 3 MIG Kills - 1972
Price: $15.00
Availability: Out of Stock
Aviation Graphic Item #: LTFS96_F-4J_LW-08 -

F-4J BuNo. 155800 Showtime 100VF-96 "Fighting Falcons" 1972w 3 MiG-17 kills Lt Cunningham andLt JG Driscoll 10 May 1972Color Litho is; 12.00 inches x 16.50 inches

Color Print - GAF F-4F 37+01 72-1111
Price: $15.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LTF4FFILOP -

GAF F-4F 37+01 s/n 72-111111-5/8 x 16-1/2 inch poster of the Jubilee F-4F "First In – Last Out" PHANTOM PHAREWELLBilingual (English/German) TextColor Litho is; Approx. 12.00 inches x 16.50 inches

Color Litho - F-4E German Air Force, 20th FS Holloman AFB, A/C# 75-0636 "Silver Lobos"
Price: $15.00
Availability: In Stock
Aviation Graphic Item #: LTGAF_F-4E_JP-1073 -

20th FS Holloman AFBSilver LobosHO 75-0636October 1993Color Litho is; 12.00 inches x 16.50 inches

B/W Litho Idaho ANG 207 Tim McGovern Tim McGovern, Litho
Price: $2.50
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LTMANG -

Black and White Lithograph by Tim McGovern - Unsigned / Not Numbered.