Products 13-24 of 55
Availability: In Stock
Item #: ST171e -
Smoke Trails Issue 17-1 PDFPart 1 of 50th Anniversary CelebrationTribute to John CzarnotaPhanCon 2007 Debrief Heritage Flight Conference Heritage PhantomsPhantoms at Neptune Warrior 2007Sorry, we are all sold out of the hard copies.
Availability: In Stock
Item #: ST172e -
Smoke Trails Issue 17-2 PDFPart 2 of 50th Anniversary CelebrationIn The Shadow of the SpookA Hail To The SpookThrough the Sound BarrierGordon Booth's Final FlightPreserving the Phantom...Artifacts Phantom Operations in Wittmund AB
Availability: In Stock
Item #: ST173e -
SmokeTrails 17-3 PDFPart 3 of 50th Anniversary CelebrationEliminate Range ZerO System (EROS)Tactical Air Meet TAM 1980Greek Phantoms - The RF-4E at Larissa ABPhantoms at Neuburg - A Job Well Done
Availability: In Stock
Item #: ST174e -
Smoke Trails Issue 17-4Part 4 of 50th Anniversary CelebrationPhabulous Phantoms Commemorative MarkingsThunderbird Lounge - Post 109GAF Phantoms at Mission Employment 2008PhanCon 2008 Debriefing50 Years PHANTOM II (JG 71)OUT OF PRINT but PDF version available
Availability: In Stock
Item #: ST181e -
This PDF version of 18-1 was built from the files used to publish the hard copy issue. It is compatible with most pdf readers including, of course, Adobe Reader. Those of you using iPads will find reading it a pleasant experience as well as those using other pad like products. In this issue:- PhanCon 2010 debrief- Cave Canum 179th TRS- Drama on Forrestal's Cat- The RF-4C at Alconbury
Availability: In Stock
Item #: ST182e -
The PDF copy version of Smoke Trails. A hard copy also is available. Smoke Trails Issue 18-2High Plains Rhino North Dakota ANGGathering of the Hooligans 20th ReunionMy Phini PhlightMF42 - Phinal Phantom Maple FlagUSAF Heritage FlightFinal Mission (Stormy 02)2009 PhanCon DebriefF-4 Phantom 50th Anniversary Group Build (modeling)
Availability: In Stock
Item #: ST183e -
Smoke Trails Issue 18-3 PDFJapan Tour 2009 Sherman 2001 Found Phantom in Review Anatolian Eagle
Availability: In Stock
Item #: ST184e -
Smoke Trails Issue 18-4 PDFPhanCon 2010 DebriefCave Canum 179th TRSDrama on Forrestal's Cat The RF-4C at Alconbury
Availability: In Stock
Item #: ST191e -
Smoke Trails Issue 19-1 PDFCoronet KenoSandy McConnellThe Long Road HomeF-4E 66-0286{This was the first publication of Smoke Trails that went straight to ePub (PDF). Publishing costs skyrocketed to where it was costing on average $16 per copy. The 18 series was published at a major loss. The same high quality files used to create the hard copy are now used to create these PDFs. "IF" one wants a hard copy the local Kinkos will turn out this one as a glossy for under $25....
Availability: In Stock
Item #: ST192e -
Smoke Trails Issue 19-2 PDFRecce Rebels in Desert StormNWDS F-4A Restoration
Availability: In Stock
Item #: ST023 -
Smoke Trail Volume 2 / Issue 3